Born and raised in Hilliard, Ohio with just a "few" years apart. Karl was born in 1977 while I (Eddie) was born in 1994. Just old enough to be my dad, Karl has been fishing and making lures for 42 years. Maybe even 43 but eh whose counting. I've only been fishing for 3. Through out the most recent years Karl and I have both been in the buying and reselling industry. I would bring him fishing gear, he would bring me various sporting goods and memorabilia. Vintage cards from Magic the Gathering to MLB, sometimes vice versa. Then one day we just kinda got the idea of working together towards a bigger goal. While neither of us are near rich, we both have a passion that's old and new for fishing, learning, and teaching. Karl is still kinda stuck on the learning part but I think he'll get there lol. Bringing the community together on a whim, trying to help new anglers experience their first cast from every different age group has been a blessing. In a world full of negativity we just want to help spread the opposite. While not every person will have a passion for castin', we just want to help you create memories that will last a life time.